In 2001 a United States appeals court ruled that the digitus impudicus ("impudent finger") is protected speech.
In Western cultures, the finger (as in giving someone the finger) is a well-known hand gesture made by extending the middle finger of the hand while bending the other fingers into the palm. A known variation includes extending the thumb as well (my personal favorite).The gesture is also known as "the bird,"
"flipping the birdie," the "highway salute,"
"you're number one in my book," (Jeff's fav)
"The New York Hello," "concert C," (haven't heard of this one) "sticking your middle finger up," "The One-fingered Salute,"
"The Canadian Turn Signal," (Brek???) or "flipping someone off."
When both hands are used, it is known as the "double-barrel salute" or the "double deuce." (this is the one I've been practicing). A variation of the gesture is also made by showing someone the back of the hand, with three fingers extended, and telling the recipient to "read between the lines," or "peel the banana." A more comical approach is to wiggle all five fingers and query, "Do you see these?" retracting all but the middle finger and state, "It's a whole flock of these." A distinct reference to the aforementioned "bird." (Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, sooo funny.)
Come on, if we knew the history behind the bird, we'd be proud to flip it. Think about it, every state has an official bird (do you know Idaho's?) even the United States has an official bird. There are thousands (well at least hundreds) of people who study ornithology (the science of birds). Bird watchers, bird photographers... people can't get enough of "the bird."
The bottom line about my personal relationship with "the bird" is that it's my friend, my ally and my constant companion. I count on it to relay the messages I have a hard time putting into words like, "I love you," "BFF," "Let's always stay true," "Stay gold Ponyboy," (the Outsiders) "We are the World, We are the Children," or on another spectrum, "I'm watching you," (two fingers pointing to my eyes, two fingers pointing to your eyes, repeat, repeat), "Get a life," "Get real" or "Honestly" (said with much sarcasm).
See... "the bird" can be used on many occasions.
To be quite frank, I've never met a bird I didn't love!
Ps. What's your favorite bird?
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